I am well on my way to creating my personal happy and healthy lifestyle, and I want everyone to know they can, too.
I have not always considered myself fit. I know what it feels like to want to be thinner, stronger, and run farther. My personal starting pointe was realizing I needed to commit to take action. Those random New Year's resolutions to go to the gym more were just not cutting it. I wanted to be in the best shape of my life so I could do the things I loved even better—travel more, hike harder trails, and count on my body to power me through adventures of my own making. I didn't want my body to be a limiting factor in my pursuits. Finding a coach to guide me on this new path was my first step towards all of these things and creating CenterPointe.
Three years later I am 60 lbs lighter, can deadlift 1.5 times my new bodyweight and run a mile in less than 10 minutes. I smoke my friends on Old Rag. Every challenge I tackle in my workouts makes me stronger mentally and physically.
I know the way we train at CenterPointe works, because I am a product of that training. I am well on my way to creating my personal happy and healthy lifestyle, and I want everyone to know they can, too.